图神经网络(GNN)是非欧盟数据的强大深度学习方法。流行的GNN是通信算法(MPNNS),它们在本地图中汇总并结合了信号。但是,浅的mpnns倾向于错过远程信号,并且在某些异质图上表现不佳,而深度mpnns可能会遇到过度平滑或过度阵型等问题。为了减轻此类问题,现有的工作通常会从欧几里得数据上训练神经网络或修改图形结构中借用归一化技术。然而,这些方法在理论上并不是很好地理解,并且可能会提高整体计算复杂性。在这项工作中,我们从光谱图嵌入中汲取灵感,并提出$ \ texttt {powerembed} $ - 一种简单的层归一化技术来增强mpnns。我们显示$ \ texttt {powerembed} $可以证明图形运算符的顶部 - $ k $引导特征向量,该算子可以防止过度光滑,并且对图形拓扑是不可知的;同时,它产生了从本地功能到全球信号的表示列表,避免了过度阵列。我们将$ \ texttt {powerembed} $应用于广泛的模拟和真实图表,并展示其竞争性能,尤其是对于异性图。
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我们研究了协变量偏移下的线性回归,其中输入协变量的边际分布在源和目标域上有所不同,而在两个域中,给定输入协变量的输出的条件分布相似。我们根据针对此问题的目标数据(均由在线SGD进行的目标数据(均由在线SGD执行)进行预处理研究,研究了转移学习方法。我们为这种方法建立了尖锐的实例依赖性高风险上限和下限。我们的界限表明,对于大量的线性回归实例,使用$ O(n^2)$源数据(以及稀缺或无目标数据)转移学习与使用$ n $目标数据的监督学习一样有效。此外,我们表明,即使只有少量的目标数据,也可能会大大减少预处理所需的源数据量。我们的理论阐明了预处理的有效性和局限性以及对解决协变量转移问题的填补的好处。
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从非平稳的输入数据流进行连续/终身学习是智力的基石。尽管在各种应用中表现出色,但深度神经网络仍容易在学习新信息时忘记他们以前学习的信息。这种现象称为“灾难性遗忘”,深深地植根于稳定性困境。近年来,克服深层神经网络中的灾难性遗忘已成为一个积极的研究领域。特别是,基于梯度投射的方法最近在克服灾难性遗忘时表现出了出色的表现。本文提出了基于稀疏性和异质辍学的两种受生物学启发的机制,这些机制在长期的任务上显着提高了持续学习者的表现。我们提出的方法建立在梯度投影内存(GPM)框架上。我们利用神经网络的每一层中的K-获奖者激活来为每个任务执行层次稀疏激活,以及任务间的异质辍学,鼓励网络在不同任务之间使用非重叠的激活模式。此外,我们引入了两个新的基准,用于在分配转移下连续学习,即连续的瑞士卷和Imagenet Superdog-40。最后,我们对我们提出的方法进行了深入的分析,并证明了各种基准持续学习问题的显着性能。
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随机梯度下降(SGD)在实践中表现出强烈的算法正则化效应,该效果已被认为在现代机器学习方法的概括中起着重要作用。在这项工作中,我们试图在线性回归的更简单环境(包括量身范围的和过度参数化的制度)中理解这些问题,在此,我们的目标是对(未注册)平均SGD与(未注册的)平均SGD进行基于实例的敏锐比较。脊回归的明确正规化。对于一系列最小二乘问题的问题实例(在高维设置中是自然的),我们显示:(1)对于每个问题实例和每个脊参数(未注册)SGD,当时提供比对数的样本比提供的样本更多的样本时对于脊算法,概括的概括不及脊解决方案(提供SGD使用调谐常数步骤); (2)相反,存在(在这个宽阔的问题类中),其中最佳调整的脊回归需要比SGD更高的样本以具有相同的概括性能。综上所述,我们的结果表明,在对数因素上,SGD的概括性能总是不到脊回归的差异,而在各种过度参数的问题中,对于某些问题实例,实际上可能会更好。更普遍地,我们的结果表明,即使在更简单(过度参数化)凸设置中,算法正则化如何产生重要的后果。
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How can we accurately identify new memory workloads while classifying known memory workloads? Verifying DRAM (Dynamic Random Access Memory) using various workloads is an important task to guarantee the quality of DRAM. A crucial component in the process is open-set recognition which aims to detect new workloads not seen in the training phase. Despite its importance, however, existing open-set recognition methods are unsatisfactory in terms of accuracy since they fail to exploit the characteristics of workload sequences. In this paper, we propose Acorn, an accurate open-set recognition method capturing the characteristics of workload sequences. Acorn extracts two types of feature vectors to capture sequential patterns and spatial locality patterns in memory access. Acorn then uses the feature vectors to accurately classify a subsequence into one of the known classes or identify it as the unknown class. Experiments show that Acorn achieves state-of-the-art accuracy, giving up to 37% points higher unknown class detection accuracy while achieving comparable known class classification accuracy than existing methods.
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We present a neural technique for learning to select a local sub-region around a point which can be used for mesh parameterization. The motivation for our framework is driven by interactive workflows used for decaling, texturing, or painting on surfaces. Our key idea is to incorporate segmentation probabilities as weights of a classical parameterization method, implemented as a novel differentiable parameterization layer within a neural network framework. We train a segmentation network to select 3D regions that are parameterized into 2D and penalized by the resulting distortion, giving rise to segmentations which are distortion-aware. Following training, a user can use our system to interactively select a point on the mesh and obtain a large, meaningful region around the selection which induces a low-distortion parameterization. Our code and project page are currently available.
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FSS(Few-shot segmentation)~aims to segment a target class with a small number of labeled images (support Set). To extract information relevant to target class, a dominant approach in best performing FSS baselines removes background features using support mask. We observe that this support mask presents an information bottleneck in several challenging FSS cases e.g., for small targets and/or inaccurate target boundaries. To this end, we present a novel method (MSI), which maximizes the support-set information by exploiting two complementary source of features in generating super correlation maps. We validate the effectiveness of our approach by instantiating it into three recent and strong FSS baselines. Experimental results on several publicly available FSS benchmarks show that our proposed method consistently improves the performance by visible margins and allows faster convergence. Our codes and models will be publicly released.
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Weakly-supervised object detection (WSOD) models attempt to leverage image-level annotations in lieu of accurate but costly-to-obtain object localization labels. This oftentimes leads to substandard object detection and localization at inference time. To tackle this issue, we propose D2DF2WOD, a Dual-Domain Fully-to-Weakly Supervised Object Detection framework that leverages synthetic data, annotated with precise object localization, to supplement a natural image target domain, where only image-level labels are available. In its warm-up domain adaptation stage, the model learns a fully-supervised object detector (FSOD) to improve the precision of the object proposals in the target domain, and at the same time learns target-domain-specific and detection-aware proposal features. In its main WSOD stage, a WSOD model is specifically tuned to the target domain. The feature extractor and the object proposal generator of the WSOD model are built upon the fine-tuned FSOD model. We test D2DF2WOD on five dual-domain image benchmarks. The results show that our method results in consistently improved object detection and localization compared with state-of-the-art methods.
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